We planted an orchard!
One of the first things we wanted to do this Spring was get some fruit trees in the ground since they are such an investment into food production on the property. We planted two cherries, a peach, and a pear tree to go along with the apple tree that was already on our property. These new trees should produce a decently-sized fruit harvest in 2-4 years. We plan to plant and maintain this orchard using permaculture principles as much as we are able: promoting diversity, planning efficiently, and utilizing resources fully.
The diversity of trees will be joined with a wide variety of shrubs, berry bushes, herbs, and flowers. These will help to promote a wide variety of microorganisms and pollinators, and limit damage from diseases and pests. Each plant will have different resistances to disease and pests, essentially diversifying our investment and promoting a hardy homestead. Here’s to healthy food production!